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Newbald Family

Generation No. 1

1. HENRY NEWBALD was born February 19, 1815, and died October 16, 1888 in Newark. He married (1) HELEN BETTISON 1861, daughter of WILLIAM BETTISON and REBECCA. She died August 26, 1867. He married (2) ELLEN MYERS July 11, 1871, daughter of CHARLES MYERS and MARY WARD. She was born June 25, 1838, and died April 05, 1923 in Newark.

Ellen Myers

Obituary 1888: It is with the greatest regret that we record the death of Mr Henry Newbald, J.P, solicitor, of this town, which took place somewhat suddenly shortly before midnight on Tues 16th. We believe the deceased was of a Yorkshire family, which came originally from the village of Newbald, near Hull.He was the son of Mr Charles Newbald, of Hull, by his second wife, Anne, and was born Feb 19th, 1815. Mr Newbald was the ninth child of a family of thirteen, of which there is now one survivor. He was educated at Beverley and York Grammar Schools, and articled to Mr Philips of Hull. Admitted a solicitor in 1843 he became managing clerk and afterwards partner to Messrs Pie and Wayte, of Louth. Leaving there at the latter end of 1854, he came to Newark, and was admitted into partnership with Mr Faulkner.On the formation of the Newark Highway District in the year 1864, Mr Newbald was appointed clerk to the Highway Board, an appointment which he continued to hold up to the dissolution of the Board in 1882.During the epidemic of cattle plague in the years 1865 and 1866, Mr Newbald acted as hon. sec. to the Mutual Cattle Plague Association, and when that association was wound up, the members presented him with a piece of plate as a recognition of the valuable services he had rendered to them. The deceased gentleman was for some years one of the representatives of the South Ward in the Council Chamber, and was subsequently elected an Alderman. He was chosen Mayor in 1871, and was appointed one of the magistrates for the Borough in 1879. The deceased was an ardent Churchman, and a regular attendant at the Parish Church. He was one of the Governors of the Newark Hospital and Dispensary, an institution in which he always took the warmest interest. In politics he was a Conservative.

A short time ago he sustained a heavy bereavement in the death of his eldest son, Mr Henry Bettison Newbald, and he apparently never overcame the shock that sad event caused him. On Saturday week he went to the cemetery to place a wreath on his son's grave, and it is supposed that while so engaged he caught a chill. On the following day he became seriously ill, and the services of Dr Job were called into requisition. On Monday, the symptoms became so grave that Dr Brookhouse, of Nottingham was telegraphed for, but in spite of all that medical science could do, the patient gradually sank and passed away peacefully shortly before twelve o'clock on Tuesday night.

Mr Newbald was married twice, first in 1861 to Helen, fifth daughter of William and Rebecca Bettison, of Hull, who died 26 August 1867, by whom he had two children, both deceased; and second in 1871 to Ellen, eldest surviving daughter of the Rev C.J. Myers, Vicar of Flintham, Notts and Rector of Ruskington, Lincs, by whom he had one son who survives him. The cause of death was laryngitis, helped on by exhaustion. The funeral took place on Saturday. (list of mourners) The deceased gentleman was 73 year of age, and leaves a widow and one son to mourn his loss.



i. HENRY BETTISON NEWBALD, b. 1862; d. July 25, 1888.

Obituary 1888: The death was announced of Mr Henry Bettison Newbald, son of Mr Henry Newbald, JP, solicitor of Lombard St, Newark. The deceased gentleman was 26 years of age, and was an engineer and expert draughtsman, and had been engaged in Canada (Trent Valley Canal office, Peterborough, Ontario) where he met with a severe accident which necessitated the amputation of his leg. He returned to England but had a rough voyage and pleurisy combined with the shock of amputation, closed the career of a young gentleman of more than ordinary promise. He had been in England only a few weeks at the time of his death. He was much liked and respected by those who knew him, and considerable sympathy is felt for the bereaved family in their sad affliction.



ii. CHARLES HENRY NEWBALD, b. August 24, 1872; d. March 19, 1953, Newark.

Charles Henry Newbald

Obituary 1953: Mr Charles Henry Newbald died at his home "Potterdyke", Lombard Street, Newark, at mid-day on Thursday, at the age of 80 years. He was a bachelor.
He was the son of Mr Henry Newbald, who was a solicitor in patnership with Mr Faulkner, and he followed his father's profession. He joined the firm of Hodgkinson and Beevor in 1929 as a partner, and remained so until some two years ago, when he semi-retired, although he continued to attend to some business matters at his office, and did so until as recently as last Saturday morning.
During his long life-time Mr Newbald held many public appointments. During the absence of Col. Hugh Tallents in the first world war, he acted as Town Clerk. At one time he was Clerk to the Newark Education Authority, Clerk to Lilley and Stone Foundation, Clerk to St Leonard's Hospital Trustees, Clerk to the Newark High School for Girls and Clerk to the Newark Municipal General Charities. He had made a special study and research into many of Newark's ancient charities, and was writing a series of articles on the subject for publication in the Newark Herald.
He was a great collector of curios from all parts of the world, and he delighted to exhibit them at garden fetes held in his beautiful grounds at "Potterdyke".

He was a manager of the Mount Schools, a member of the Committee of the Cripples' Guild, and was one of the pioneers in scouting.
Like his father before him (a stained glass window in his memory is in the Parish Church), Mr Newbald was a keen and devout churchman. He had also filled the office of churchwarden.
He was a musician of ability; he was a member of the old Orchestral Society, playing the cello and bassoon.He was at one time a chorister, was master of the ringers for many years, and had deputised at the organ.
A few years ago, Mr Newbald gave Lime Dyke playing field to his native town.
The funeral takes place on Monday, when there will be a service in the Parish Church at 11.30 am.

© 2020 by Catherine Clarke, Wellington, NZ.

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