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Here I am checking out my relatives, aged 4.

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This is the revived version of a previous website which vanished from the internet in 2015 but had been around since 2002. I’ve taken the opportunity to update it, consolidate the pages and put the more interesting stories to the fore. This was a lot easier to create than the coding necessary for the previous version and it even has buttons at the bottom of each page to share on Facebook and Twitter (which didn't exist back then)!

I've also written a novel, The Only Living Lady Parachutist, about a woman who earned her living by jumping from a hot air balloon in the 1890s. It's based on a real person and the research behind it is here:

General Sources and Bibliography:

The MYERS (Myres) have been in Cumbria, near Millom and Whicham, since at least the sixteenth century. Freida Myers claimed they were Flemish weavers but the name could be derived from Mire House (which is surrounded by mire or bog).


The Pedigree of the family of the Rev Charles John Myers was compiled from information given by several members of the family, and derived from probate wills and title deeds relating to the family estates in Cumberland and Lincolnshire, and from other documentary evidence in the possession of Charles John Myers Esq of Dunningwell, Millom, in the county of Cumberland, by Henry Newbald in 1873 and handed down through family members.


Obituaries and wedding descriptions were taken from original newspaper clippings collected by Margaret Myers and bequeathed to Frederick Pickering Myers on her death


"The Masham Bible" formerly belonging to Thomas Thwaites of Masham dated the 2nd March 1771, in the possession of Noel Myers.


Debretts Peerage and Baronetage, McMillan, 1985.


Burkes Landed Gentry 18th Edition, 1965.


Who Was Who 1941-1950, London: Adam and Charles Black, 1952.


Notable British Families 1600's-1900's, CD Rom Family Tree Maker.


Familiae Minorum Gentium Volumes 1-4, Harleian Society, The Archive CD Books Project.


Venn J. Alumni Cantabrigienses, Cambridge University Alumni 1261-1900, CD Rom


The Cyclopedia of New Zealand, Wellington 1897-1908.


Feilding Star 1882-1909 and 1910-1922, Extracts of BDM's. Microfiche Publication NZSG

Catherine aged 4

© 2020 by Catherine Clarke, Wellington, NZ.

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