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Montagu family

Captain James Montagu

(from notes and photos supplied by Beau Maurice)


Admiral John Montagu 1719-1796
Born at Lackham, Wiltshire. Died at Fareham, Hants.

He had 5 sons;

  1. Admiral Sir George Montagu. Born 1750. Died 1829. Married Charlotte Wroughton. He was highly thought of by Nelson.

  2. Captain James Montagu. 1752-1794. Killed on board his own ship, "Montagu" at the Battle of the Glorious, 1st June 1794, when Earl Howe defeated the French fleet. A statue was erected in Westminster Abbey (at a cost of £3675) to commemorate his deeds. The family were also presented with an inscribed gold watch by a "grateful public" (now in NZ). He was buried at sea.

  3. Col. Edward Montagu. Born 1755. Died in India 1799 of wounds received in the battle of Seringapatam and was buried in India.

  4. Anthony. Nothing known.

  5. John Montagu. Did not marry.

Admiral Sir George Montagu had 4 sons and 5 daughters;
The eldest son was Col. George Montagu (1788-1871), who succeeded to an estate at Wilcot, Wiltshire on the death of his aunt, Susannah Wroughton, but he had to change his name from Montagu to Wroughton.

When Col. George died in 1871, the estate passed to his brother, Admiral J.W. Montagu (1790-1882) who was then resident at Seend Manor, Wiltshire.

Seend Village, Wiltshire 1870s
Seend Manor, Wiltshire 1870s
Seend Village, Wiltshire 1870s

He had married Isabella Beauclerk.* She died in 1864 and they had one son and two daughters:

1.      The son, Captain George Edward, (of the 84th Regiment) who died at an early age in 1878, fell out of favour with his family because of his association (and later marriage) with an Irish Catholic lady with whom he had 3 sons and one daughter.

2.      Anne Diana who married the Rev Dashwood-Lang. She had one son who died in infancy. She died of cancer about 1900.

3.      Emily Stuart (1850-1940) She married Col. Arthur Corbett Maurice and had two sons; Arthur Wroughton Montagu Maurice (1885-1913) and John Frederick Algernon Maurice (1888-1945). He was not married and died of diabetes.


*Isabella Beauclerk was the great great granddaughter of the 1st Duke of St Albans, whose parents were Nell Gwynne and Charles II. From her father's side of the family, her grandmother was Lady Diana Beauclerk (nee Spencer) the eldest daughter of the Duke of Malborough. From her mother's side of the family, Isabella was also related by direct descent to the Dukes of Leinster, Richmond and Gordon.

George Edward Montagu
Emily Stuart Montagu
Anne Diana Montagu

© 2020 by Catherine Clarke, Wellington, NZ.

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