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Charles Myers of Dunningwell

Charles John Myers
Clara Belasyse Manson

Charles John Myers (1843-1910)

Passed 12th/13th in & out of Sandhurst. Gazetted ensign 39th Foot regiment. Served in Bermuda. Purchased commission of lieutenant 34th Foot regiment 1866. Retired in 1870.

Served in Royal Cumberland Militia & Lincolnshire Regiment retiring as honorary major in 1886. Lord of the Manor of Wilford, Lincs and patron of the living of Ruskington.


Clara Belasyse Manson (1855-1944)

Her stepfather was George Storer MP of Thoroton Hall. Her sister, Ethel, (1857-1947) was Matron of St Bartholomew's Hospital, London and married Dr Bedford Fenwick in 1887 and had a son Christian (1888-1969), who later became a judge. Ethel was founder of the International Council of Nurses and leader of the campaign for state registration of nurses in Britain.


Their marriage took place on 9 Sep 1875:

The village of Thoroton was enlivened by the marriage of C. J. Myers Esq, of Dunningwell, Cumberland to Clara Belasyse, elder daughter of the late DD Manson Esq of Spynie, Elgin and stepdaughter of George Storer Esq MP of Thoroton Hall, Notts.

The Rev Arthur Myers, brother of the bridegroom, performed part of the ceremony in a most impressive manner. The villagers of Thoroton, and those of Flintham (where the bridegroom's family lived so long, and where they are much loved and respected) assembled in great numbers to testify their interest and express good wishes for the future happiness of both bride and bridegroom. The bride was accompanied to the altar by eight bridesmaids, who each wore a gold locket, the gift of the bridegroom. The church was prettily decorated, and the kind neighbours had erected several pretty arches, through which the happy pair passed, over "paths strewn with flowers" by the village children. After the breakfast, at which about sixty guests were present, Mr Myers and his fair bride left, amidst a shower of rice, to spend the honeymoon in Scotland.

The presents were numerous and costly, but perhaps those that pleased the most, were a very handsome bible in two volumes, mounted in antique morocco, and illustrated by Dore, presented by the Dunningwell tenantry; two bronze figures of great value by his Lincolnshire tenants; a handsome silver inkstand by the Thwaites choir (where Mr Myers most kindly and ably performs the duties of organist); a silver mounted flagon by the Dunningwell servants; two handsome presents given to the bride by her Syerston and Thoroton neighbours.


The happy pair arrived at Dunningwell on Saturday morning last, and were met at the Green by the tenantry, and a number of the inhabitants of the neighbourhood, who cheered lustily, surrounded the carriage, and speedily unyoked the horses,and the carriage and its happy occupants was drawn by hand to their pretty home at Dunningwell, amidst the acclamations, and hearty good wishes of the assembled multitude. At the Green a triumphal arch had been erected, and was tastefully decorated with flowers and evergreens, banners and with being interspersed with several appropriate mottoes and monograms. In addition to the floral decorations there were placed on the top of the arch a sheaf of each kind of grain and implements emblematic of the agricultural industry of the district. It was at this place that the horses were detached and the presentation of the bible took place, Mr John Robinson presenting it on behalf of the tenants, Mr Myers having by his affable and courteous bearing towards them as a landlord succeeded in gaining for himself their respect and good wishes. Mr Myers acknowledged thier kindness on this occasion in a brief but appropriate speech.


On Tuesday evening Mr Myers gave a supper and ball in the Public Room, The Green to the tenantry and neighbours. There were about 160 present. The supper was served in Mrs Ormandy's best style (in fact surpassing any of her former efforts in the culinary art). The Rev J Falcon proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom, to which Mr Myers responded. Dancing commenced soon after eight o'clock, and was led off by Mr and Mrs Myers, and was kept up till about one o'clock, when the company separated, wishing their kind entertainers every happiness.


See: Roof-rearing supper at Dunningwell

© 2020 by Catherine Clarke, Wellington, NZ.

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